Black Tie Cleaners
Black Tie Cleaners will provide a full service Dry Cleaning and Shirt Laundry
Facility. Each store will be located in a high traffic area and most locations
provide driveup or drive through service. Each purchaser has the right to pick
their own name but for a minimal licensing fee they can retain the Black Tie
Cleaners name. Although independently owned and operated the name
Black Tie Cleaners will soon be easily recognized as a provider of quality
service at reasonable prices.
Dry Cleaning and Fabric Care have become a multimillion dollar industry and have continually grown over the past decades couple that with the rapid growth of the Las Vegas area and we have a very marketable and high demand product. We expect this growth to continue based on the return in popularity of natural fibers such as wool's, silks, cottons and linens all of which require professional care. The addition of large numbers women in the work force, the increase in the cost of garments and the lack of free time have all added to the incentives of Professionally Dry Cleaning your clothes.
Dry Cleaning stores are an attractive extremely profitable business opportunity. In an article in the Jan 13, 1986 issue of US News and World Report it states that "Proprietors of small businesses have a far higher chance of becoming millionaires than do professionals, Doctors, Lawyers and corporate executives may hold the most prestigious jobs, but they aren't making the most money" "As the number of millionaires increases, the American millionaire is more likely to resemble the local Dry Cleaner than a figure cast in Hollywood". Noted marketing professor Thomas Stanley, who has surveyed millionaires since 1973, places Dry Cleaning in the number five position on the list of businesses that often make their owners millionaires. The profitability of these stores and the fact that there is no shortage of dirty clothes and they have to be cleaned, regardless of whether there's a recession or a rapid growth in the economy explains the low failure rate and prompts comments like the 15 Sep 1985 Wall Street Journal article that states "Funeral Homes fail less often than any other type of business. tobacco wholesalers, fuel oil dealers, laundries and Dry Cleaners and drug stores also have low failure rates, according to a Small Business Administration study."
Today's dry-cleaning plant is efficient with energy saving
and labor saving equipment designed to produce the best
results at minimal costs.Black Tie Cleaners offers a
new dry-cleaning plant plan, which gives the owner a
complete package including:
Site selection
Layout and design
Quality equipment
Turn-key operation
Service and maintenance
A Profitable Investment
A dry-cleaning plant can be a profitable investment for a
number of reasons:
It satisfies a basic need in the community
Low downside risk and a relatively high rate of return
No accounts receivable - it's an all-cash business
"Recession proof"
More volume, more profit
Few regular customers needed to be successful
For more information
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