5th Generation PERC Systems for the everyday Dry Cleaning shop!
With competence and technical know-how Permac has set standards for your economic advantage.
Shorter cycle times due to a modified air ducting.
Optimized cooling unit.
Considerable reduction of the current costs.
Reduction of cooling water and energy consumption by cooling techniques.
Optimization of drying by PMS2000 and GWP 2000.
Eco Filters replaces filter powder.
Emission free Bowe still evacuating system reduces evacuating costs considerably.
Energy saving still and drying system.
Heat reuse during drying.
The phrase "pure machine control" does not do justice to the new Bowe CS3000 computer control. With its clear text display (different languages possible) it is child's play to operate
your machine. Easily understood notations describe each program process and give
information about the machine status. In addition the CS3000 serves as an interface to
your EDP. Via PC you can control and record the operational data of one or more machines.
You save the environment.
We transpose our responsibility for environmental protection into next millennium technology.
Hermetically sealed process.
Fluctuations in pressure during the operating cycle are fully contained by the machine.
Virtually no solvent emission to atmosphere or residue in the proceed garments.
PERC Monitoring Systems
Bowe PMS2000 and GWP2000
Emission Free still rake out.
Integrated process water separator.
Emission Free solvent filling.
Lint Drying
Safety Limit switches
Solvent safety trough.
Still tank rinsing.
Bowe PMS2000/GWP2000 PERC Monitoring System.
This device monitors and measures solvent concentrations. The Dry Cleaning machine's door can only be opened when the solvent concentration falls below 2g/m2.
Dry stat drying time controller.
Using thermistor technology, this Bowe development reliably supervises and controls the drying time according to the quality and type of work being processed.
Bowe Remote Control System.
At your request Bowe can take over the online maintenance of your machine. Our high skilled technicians can correspond with your machine via monitor at fixed maintenance intervals. This guarantees higher operational safety and reliability of your machine, potential down times are reduced and service costs are decreased.
With a PC Modem and telephone line you are in constant contact with your machine.
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